Practical Technology

for practical people.

August 18, 2011
by sjvn01

Red Hat CEO thinks the desktop is becoming a legacy application

Vancouver, British Columbia—A running joke at this years LinuxCon is that “X is the year of the Linux desktop.” Jim Zemlin, head of the conference’s sponsoring organization, The Linux Foundation, started it with his keynote in noting how often he’d … Continue reading

August 15, 2011
by sjvn01

Linux snickers at Microsoft’s victory declaration

My compadre Ed Bott does a fine job of digging under the surface of Microsoft’s annual report to find that Microsoft no longer considers Linux a serious threat. Who does Microsoft think they’re kidding? Sure, on the desktop, it’s a … Continue reading

August 12, 2011
by sjvn01

Ubuntu Linux makes musical friends with the Apple iPhone

Linux and Apple’s iPhones, iPods, and iPads usually get along about as well as cats and dogs. Oh sure, you can root a jailbroken iPhone to boot Linux, but that’s just a stunt. And, if you don’t mind living dangerously, … Continue reading