Practical Technology

for practical people.

December 13, 2018
by sjvn01

Major China company, Alibaba, joins Open Invention Network patent protection group

The American and Chinese trade war is near to boiling. The American attempt to extradite Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou has failed; China might be behind the Marriott data breach; and China might’ve caused a massive internet disruption. But one perpetual sore point between the US and … Continue reading

December 12, 2018
by sjvn01

Bitnami Kubernetes Production Runtime released

If you want to use a safe third-party container, smart people know they should turn to Bitnami. This company packages, deploys, and maintains applications in virtually any format for any platform. Now, at KubeCon in Seattle, Bitnami announced its Kubernetes release: Bitnami Kubernetes Production Runtime (BKPR) 1.0, … Continue reading