Practical Technology

for practical people.

Seven reasons to skip upgrading to Windows 7


My colleague Preston Gralla came up with seven reasons to move to Windows 7. And, they are pretty good, but good enough to switch away from XP, or to skip Mac OS X Snow Leopard or desktop Linux? I don’t think so.

Let me open up by saying though that if you’re using Vista-you poor, poor person-yes, you should migrate to Windows 7. After all, Windows 7 is really just Vista without the warts. Otherwise, no, I don’t see any compelling reason to switch.

I say this as someone who’s also been running Windows 7 since the late betas and I’m currently running the RTM (release to manufacturing) version. I like Windows 7, but if you were to ask me what the big feature, the ‘wow’ that would make you want to go to the trouble of moving to Windows 7, I’d be left without anything to say. Heck, look at Gralla list, number one on the list is the new taskbar. Microsoft wants me to spend big bucks for a new taskbar!?

OK, on with the list.

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