Practical Technology

for practical people.

May 28, 2020
by sjvn01

First new Docker release under Mirantis appears

After years of failing to turn its exceptional technology, Docker containers, into a viable business, Docker, the company, sold its Docker Enterprise product line to Mirantis, a top OpenStack and Kubernetes cloud company, in November 2019. Now, Mirantis is improving Docker Enterprise with its first major release: Docker … Continue reading

February 15, 2017
by sjvn01

The Basics: Explaining Kubernetes, Mesosphere, and Docker Swarm

Containers, a lightweight way to virtualize applications, are an important element of any DevOps plan. But how are you going to manage all of those containers? Container orchestration programs—Kubernetes, Mesosphere Marathon, and Docker Swarm—make it possible to manage containers without … Continue reading