Practical Technology

for practical people.

May 8, 2020
by sjvn01

The best way to protect the US electrical grid is with open source

Recently, President Donald Trump signed an executive order to protect the US electricity grid from cyber attacks by blocking power-equipment imports from “foreign adversaries.” Presumably, that includes Russia, Iran, and — most important of all — China. There’s only one problem with … Continue reading

May 6, 2020
by sjvn01

The Fairphone ethical smartphone is now available with the Google-less Android /e/OS operating system

p>Almost all smartphones lock you into expensive, pretty prisons. They look great, but you can’t repair them, and they watch your every move. But now there’s the Fairphone 3, which lets you fix the hardware yourself, paired up with the … Continue reading

April 28, 2020
by sjvn01

Red Hat takes on the hybrid cloud with its latest OpenShift Kubernetes distro

A popular belief in today’s business circles is that every company is now a tech company. Red Hat — the powerhouse Linux and cloud business — agrees. Nearly every industry, including healthcare, logistics, retail, financial services, government, education, and more, … Continue reading

April 23, 2020
by sjvn01

Ubuntu 20.04 arrives with Linux 5.4 kernel and WireGuard VPN

As expected, Canonical has released the newest version of its Ubuntu Linux distribution, Ubuntu 20.04. This long-term-support (LTS) version is more than just the latest version of one of the most popular Linux distributions; it’s a major update for desktop, … Continue reading