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Will Internet Explorer 9 be any safer?

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You can download the next generation of Internet Explorer 9, but I really don’t recommend it unless you’re an expert at both Windows and Web browsers. I qualify on both those grounds — What? You think I only work on Linux? — So I took a quick peek at this so not-ready for prime time Web browser.

I can tell you that it works on Windows 7 and Vista and that it does an OK job at rendering Web pages. But, as far as the rest goes, I really can’t say much. As Dean Hachamovich, Microsoft’s IE team’s general manager indicated the IE 9 Platform Preview isn’t even finished, never-mind polished.

But, we also know what Microsoft intends for IE 9 and that tells us something. Unfortunately, it doesn’t say a lot for any Internet Explorer security improvements. First, Microsoft says that IE 9 will not be available on Windows XP. That’s because, to quote a Microsoft public relations representative, “Internet Explorer 9 requires the modern graphics and security underpinnings that have come since 2001, and is intended to be run on a modern operating system in order to build on the latest hardware and operating system innovations.”

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