Practical Technology

for practical people.

February 10, 2013
by sjvn01

Linux developers working on uniting Windows 8 Secure Boot fixes

Thanks to Microsoft’s Windows 8 UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface) Secure Boot there was no easy way to boot Linux, or any other operating system, on Windows 8 PCs. Now, there are two ways, the recently released Linux Foundation (LF) … Continue reading

January 24, 2013
by sjvn01

OpenSUSE also considers switching from MySQL to MariaDB

MySQL may still be the “most popular open-source database” for now, but its day may be ending. Just like Fedora, which is considering switching out MySQL for the MySQL fork MariaDB, openSUSE is also considering making MariaDB its default database … Continue reading

January 22, 2013
by sjvn01

Fedora Linux considering switching out MySQL for MariaDB

MariaDB, the open-source database management system (DBMS) and MySQL fork, may soon be replacing MySQL in the Fedora Linux distribution. Since Fedora is also the testbed for Red Hat‘s market-leading Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), this move may lead to … Continue reading