Practical Technology

for practical people.

January 4, 2013
by sjvn01

No, Google is not making the Android SDK proprietary. What’s the fuss about?

Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) member Torsten Grote claims that Google’s “Android SDK [Software Development Kit] is now non-free software.“On Twitter, Grote summed up his position as “#Android SDK is no longer #FreeSoftware. Is #Google turning evil?“ Grote’s solution is … Continue reading

December 28, 2012
by sjvn01

2012’s 5 Most popular Linux stories

Taken as a whole, 2012 was a great year for Linux. The most popular stories, however, were more about the day-to-day happenings of Linux then the big picture. 2012’s top Linux story was The truth about Goobuntu: Google’s in-house desktop Ubuntu … Continue reading