Practical Technology

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Don’t waste your money on Office 2019 (says Microsoft)

We’ve all had a chuckle at the expense of Microsoft Office, with the ’90s debuts of Bob and Clippy being particularly hilarious (at least in hindsight). But now it is Microsoft itself that is making fun of Office 2019, the latest version of its iconic office suite. Although Office 2019 was just released this past September, Microsoft is urging you to replace it — and your older versions of Office — with Office 365.

And it’s not just in Microsoft’s “Twins Challenge” ads. Jared Spataro, Microsoft’s corporate vice president for Office and Windows group, comes right out and says that Office 2019’s applications are “frozen in time. They don’t ever get updated with new features,” while “Office 365 includes fully installed Office applications … and these apps keep getting better over time, with new capabilities delivered every month.”

Don’t waste your money on Office 2019 (says Microsoft) More>

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