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Linux Foundation helps Linux job hunters


These are rotten times for job hunters, but if you know Linux, you’ve got a better shot at getting a job. And, now the Linux Foundation, the nonprofit organization that backs Linux’s growth is doing its part to help by starting a new Web site: the Linux Jobs Board.

According to the Linux Foundation, “the new Jobs Board will provide employers and job seekers with an important online forum in which anyone can find the best and brightest Linux talent or the ideal job opportunity.” Jim Zemlin, the Foundation’s director said in a statement, “Linux’s increasing use across industries is building high demand for Linux jobs despite national unemployment stats. reaches millions of Linux professionals from all over the world. By providing a Jobs Board feature on the popular community site, we can bring together employers, recruiters and job seekers to lay the intellectual foundation for tomorrow’s IT industry.”

He’s right. Linux is still a hot area for would-be software developers, system and network administrators. The JobThread Network, an online jobs site, reports that the demand for Linux-related jobs has grown 80 percent since 2005. By the Linux Foundation’s count that makes Linux professionals the “fastest growing job category in the IT industry.”

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