Practical Technology

for practical people.

Patch and Patch Again


Why do I prefer Linux to Windows? I could count the ways, but here’s a big one. When mistakes are made in Linux, they tend to get fixed and that’s the end of it. With Windows, it often doesn’t work that way.

Take, for example, Microsoft recent release of its biggest set of security patches ever. This uber-patch set fixed 34-different bugs.

Or, well, to be more exact, it tried to fix 34-different security holes. It turns out that it didn’t fix some problems and it caused some new ones. My particular favorite had been the one that completely disabled Communications Server. That ‘fix’ nailed every version of Communications Server from Live Communication Server 2005 on up to Office Communications Server 2007 R2.

What kind of quality assurance allows a company to put out a patch that doesn’t just get something wrong, it actually stops a major office server program dead in its tracks? The word ‘awful’ is what comes to my mind.

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