Practical Technology

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Look out IE, Firefox, Chrome is getting much better


I love Google Chrome. It’s faster than fast and I really like the clean, but still helpful, interface. But, since it only runs on Windows and it didn’t support extensions, I usually recommend Firefox. Google is making big changes to Chrome though and by the end of summer I may need to rethink my position.

First, while Google has been slow to support Mac OS X and Linux, they are finally getting up to speed. In particular, while the Mac version of Chrome is in no way, shape, or form ready for prime time, hardily a day goes by that Google’s not releasing a new test build on the Chromium Mac site. Chrome for Mac isn’t there yet, but it you follow it closely you can see it getting better day by day.

Chrome on Linux is also moving forward at a good clip now. I’m running the latest builds on my Ubuntu 9.04 system. In my opinion, it’s getting close to beta status, which is to say it mostly works, but you can’t trust it for regular work. To my mind, this puts it ahead of the Mac port. Keep your eyes open. I won’t be surprised to see a real beta of Chrome on Linux out by the end of May.

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