Practical Technology

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Big Brother comes to BitTorrent


Lots of people download movies and TV episodes off the various BitTorrent networks. That’s always been asking for trouble, but it’s about to become a lot more dangerous.

I get why people download some of their videos from BitTorrent. If you’re a cord-cutter, there are some shows it’s very hard to legally rent or buy. My wife, for one, would kill to get copies of The Days and Nights of Molly Dodd, which is pretty much unavailable anywhere thanks to a complicated combination of copyrighted songs that were played on the show.

Be that it may, the Center for Copyright Information (CCI) has announced that they’ll be soon out gunning for anyone they suspect may be violating music or video copyrights. They’ll be doing, in partnership with ISPs using a system called the Copyright Alert System. This, in turn, is ran by a brand protection company called MarkMonitor.

The name of their name is to monitor your network traffic, with the help of your friendly ISP, Their justification for this is the usual made-up facts that content thief leads to “More than 373,000 Job, $16 Billion in Lost Wages, and $2.6 Billion in Lost Taxes” Yeah, I’m also sure someone downloading copyrighted porn leads to cats and dogs living together.

Big Brother comes to BitTorrent. More >

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