Practical Technology

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Botnets must die

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Today’s Internet report is Green in the European Union, Yellow in North America but still Red in the Pan-Pacific countries and Israel.

In the U.S., Facebook and Twitter are still under siege from the Windows-based Katrina Storm botnet. Google, however, reports that search delays are now down to an average of three seconds. Things have gone from bad to worse in Japan and Reunified Korea, though, as attacks from former North Korean cyberwarfare units using the Windows-based MyDoom VII botnet have locked down all financial and government Web sites. That’s still better than Israel, where, according to landline phone reports, attacks from the so-called Sons of Eichmann cyberterrorist group using the Windows botnet New Cyxymu have totally frozen the country’s Internet access.

Sound like science fiction? I wish it were. I think it’s a fair prediction of where we’re going if we don’t stop Windows-based botnet distributed denial-of-service attacks.

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